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Axis I. Devices of creation and reception
Axis I at LLA-CRÉATIS covers 4 programmes of fundamental research linking the concept of device (dispositif) to notions of production (of the work and its receiver), an explicit nod to the opening in late 2009 of the Fabrique Culturelle (Culture Factory), a new building for research and creation, which Le Monde of 6 May 2009 described as a “Toulouse-style Medici palace”. Run largely by academic staff at LLA CREATIS (in Musicology, Visual and Applied Arts and Theatre Studies), the building provides a space for experimentation and reflection implicitly linked to the work of the research centre, which is itself receptive to the work of its European artists in residence.
Programme Visual devices
Programme Scenic devices
Programme Construction by readers, listeners and viewers
Programme Creation and reception in the intercultural context