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Programme Drama : theatre and computer science
Since the year 2000 the main aim of this programme has been to bring theatre and IT together through the study of the contribution computers can make to the process of making theatre. The programme focuses on the design and production of a digital production archive for use by playwrights, directors, set designers and anyone seeking to preserve the memory of contemporary performances and to analyse them from the aesthetic, historical or theoretical point of view (contact: Monique Martinez and Matthieu Pouget). In the coming months work in this programme will be pursued primarily through doctoral theses.
It offers several formats to support theatrical productions:
DRAMAtexte, an indexing tool for plays, making it possible to highlight the different set design instructions provided by the writer or director, and to display them in an appropriate format, for example, as a list, graphic, diagram, 2D or 3D display (virtual reality), to provide a framework in which performances can be developed.
DRAMAscène, designed as a tool to display theatrical productions, enabling the director and all others involved to work together on a network and offering a global view of the staging process. It permits the identification and development of different aspects of a production (specific tools for movement notation, dialogue, writer’s and director’s stage directions, set design, lighting, music, sound, etc.)
In addition, the DRAMA project includes a memorisation element intended to retain and export theatrical production data obtained via DRAMAtexte and DRAMAscène, as useful and instructive tool, notably for teaching set design.
Another component of this project is Drama surtitrage (an innovative tool that can help provide surtitles at different stages of activity and with the potential for professional use)
Lastly, the serious game Pit’ Paj has been designed to help introduce children to the theatre.
Launched by the research centre’s Hispanists and subsequently – and logically – made available to Theatre Studies specialists, this programme has expanded into a close collaboration between the research centre and the VORTEX team at the Toulouse Institute of IT Research (IRIT, UPS). Over the years several partnerships have been established between different research centres in France and elsewhere.
Research record
MARTINEZ, Monique, La Notation informatique du personnage, Carnières, Lansman, 2010, (Hispania)
MARTINEZ, Monique, PROUST, Sophie and POUGET Matthieu, La Notation du travail théâtral: du manuscrit au numérique, Carnières, Lansman, 2013, (Hispania)
Chapters and articles:
MARTINEZ, Monique, “El tratamiento informático de la puesta en escena: ¿una práctica transgresiva?”, in Prensa, Teatro y Nuevas tecnologías (1990-2003), Madrid, Visor, 2004, p.73-79.
“La utopía de la notacion escénica: Drama”, in Signa 17, Teatro y nuevas tecnologías, Madrid, 2008, p. 131-150.
“Les étiquettes du personnage de theatre”, in La notation du personnage informatique, Carnières, Lansman, 2010, (Hispania 13), p.83-93.
Bruno Péran, “D'un multilinguisme de diffusion à un multilinguisme de création: le surtitrage ou l'inévitable interaction des langues en presence”, Conference papers from La Traduction et réception des films mutlilingues, Montpellier, 15 and 16 June 2012, publication forthcoming.
“Le surtitreur et son surtitrage: une activité qui reste à définir”, in Adriana Serban and Jean-Marc Lavaur (ed.): Traduction et médias audiovisuels, Villeneuve d’Ascq, Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 2011, p. 157-169.
“Éléments d’analyse de la stratégie de traduction mise en œuvre dans le surtitrage”, Traduire 223, December 2010, p. 66-77.
“Surtitrage et langue des signes: l’expérience d’une complicité?”, in collaboration with Agnès Surbezy, Traduire 223, December 2010, p. 78-88.
Monique Martinez Thomas and Matthieu Pouget: “La génétique assistée par ordinateur: Drama, le cahier de scène numérique”, International conference Percursos de genética teatral: do laboratório de escrita à cena, 2009, publication of papers forthcoming.
Bruno Péran, Matthieu Pouget, Rabiafaranjato Velonoromanalintantely, Véronique Gaildrat, Monique Martinez-Thomas. "Codifying emotions in a theatrical context with symbolic rendering", in International Conference on Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence (3IA'2011), Athens, Vol. 14, May 2011.
Rabiafaranjato Velonoromanalintantely, Tahiry F. Andriamarozakaina, Cédric Sanza, Véronique Gaildrat, Monique Martinez-Thomas, Pouget Matthieu, Theatrical Text to 3D Virtual Scenography, in 3IA, volume 323, 2012.
Andriamarozakaina T., Gaildrat V., Pouget M., “Process of indexing and querying for theatrical texts”. ACE '08, International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology, Yokohama, Japan, ACM, 2008.
Zaragoza Rios J., Ramos F., Orozco H.R., Gaildrat V., “Creation of Virtual Environ- ments Through Knowledge-Aid Declarative Modeling”. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. IOS Press, vol. 186, pp. 114-132, 2009.
Two international conferences held in Toulouse
Computerised notation of characters, international conference, 2008
Computerised notation of theatrical productions, international conference, 2012
Participation in international conferences
Madrid, Lisbon, Strasbourg, Bordeaux
Presentation 2008, 2009, 2010 in the Scènes et savoirs host team, Paris 8.
Study Day, Lille
Theses defended
Matthieu Pouget, Projet CSN: premiers pas vers un cahier de scène numérique, defended 2 December 2010, co-supervisors: Monique Martinez and Véronique Gaildrat.
Euriell Gobbé-Mévellec, "Habiter l’image": Jeux et enjeux du visuel dans l’album illustré et le théâtre jeune public contemporains en Espagne, defended 30 September 2010, co-supervisors: Monique Martinez and Arnaud Rykner.
Bruno Péran, Le surtitage: analyse d’une technique de traduction théâtrale et conception de nouveaux outils à partir d’un corpus de spectacles en espagnol, defended 30 September 2011, co-supervisors: Monique Martinez and Jean-Pierre Jessel.
Anne-Claire Paillissé, Le personnage maternel dans le théâtre espagnol contemporain, defended 25 November 2011, co-supervisors: Monique Martinez and Emmanuel Garnier.
Tahiry F. Andriamarozakaina, Du texte à la génération d'environnements virtuels 3D: Application à la scénographie théâtrale, defended 25 September 2012, co-supervisors: Monique Martinez and Véronique Gaildrat.
In progress:
Rabiafaranjato Velonoromanalintantely, Notation formelle et représentation (émotionnelle et posturale) du personnage dans un contexte de scénographie virtuelle, co-supervisors: Monique Martinez and Véronique Gaildrat
Carolina Carmarmo, Drama mémoire: Texte et image dans le processus d’archivage théâtral