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Follow this link to the archived site of LLA-CRÉATIS for information on earlier research and publications.
utpictura18 database and theoretical site:
This site was developed at the LLA research centre 2004–2009 by its designer S. Lojkine (research centre member 1995–2009) and is an important tool for the “critique of dispositifs” developed at LLA-CRÉATIS.
"The project seeks to study the relationship between texts and images from the Middle Ages to the Enlightenment. To this end, an iconography database has been established and is constantly updated: images are indexed both according to classic terms (author, date, place, etc.) and also by object and dispositif, leading to unexpected comparisons. The detailed indexing of textual sources also permits the systematic use of iconographic material for literary analyses. The analysis of contents and apparatus is based on the theoretical tools developed notably in the research centre’s multi-authored works (see bibliography of multi-authored works/Critique of dispositifs).
Journal founded in July 2000 and notably led by Lionel Ruffel, who received his doctorate from LLA-CRÉATIS, chaoïd.com was the research centre’s partner in organising the event "Étant donné: l'hors" at the Théâtre Garonne and the University of Toulouse in the spring of 2004, when the journal also published the Chaoïd collection with Verdier.
LLA.doc: blog of the LLA-CRÉATIS doctoral student association
"Young people’s theatre in the Euroregion": video
CRISO platform